
You can use the form below to register for the EMEA Kick-Off from 18 - 20 March 2025 in Istanbul. Registration will close November 25th 2024!

Questions marked with an * are mandatory.

Personal details

Travel details

Flights are not included in your registration. You can book a flight on your own or if you will fly with multiple colleagues together (minimum of 10 persons flying at the same date and time), Myles can help you with booking a group flight.

Airport - Hotel transfers on March 18th, March 20th and March 21st are included in the registration. Please let us know if you would like to make use of the transfers on March 18th, March 20th or March 21st. (Transfer on other dates is on your own)

Your passport details

To arrange your stay in Istanbul, we would like to receive a copy of the front of your valid passport. (You can also send it by e-mail).
